
Duplicate headers found

screenshot duplicate headers found error

Why this error?

Lembot found multiple columns with the same name in the final export.

This happens when your campaign has a duplicate custom variables, or when your custom variables includes lemlist report reserved columns such as openedAt, bouncedAt, etc...

💡 Lembot does not take responsibility for choosing one variable over another and prefers to fail.

How to fix?

Review your campaign's custom variables in the lemlist app, found the duplicates and clean them.

Fortunately, lembot helps you with that by listing the duplicates directly in the error message, between the square brackets.

Common scenario

Let's take the example where lembot told me it found a duplicate for the column ["notes"]. If I manually download the report and open the CSV, I can see that I have two columns named notes. Now I have to open the lemlist app, open the campaign, check its custom variables and delete the notes I don't need.

lemlist CSV report

Tricky scenario

You will encounter this error if you use the same variables that lemlist uses in their reports. I'm talking about sentStep, sentAt, repliedAt, bouncedAt... This happens when you use a lemlist CSV report in order to import your leads when creating a campaign.

In the example below, lembot found duplicates for bouncedAt, callDoneAt and so. Indeed, I can see they are in my custom variables.

reserved name

my custom variables in the lemlist app

