
Export your lemlist reports

Lemlist campaign report gives another overview of your campaign results. It can be downloaded as a CSV file on your computer, right? How about automating this task?

With lembot, it is super easy to automatically export your campaign results into your GSheet.

Here is how:

  1. create a new bot
  2. select the data you want to extract from lemlist: "reports"
  3. follow the steps: choose your lemlist team, campaign, google spreadsheet and destination sheet
  4. eventually, re-arrange your data (see how ↗️)
  5. eventually, schedule automatic daily export (see how ↗️)
  6. save

Your automation is ready. That simple 💪

Now, whenever you need to export your Lemlist reports in Google Sheets, just click "Run Bot". Or schedule automatic daily export ✌️

Try it, for free ↗️


Ready? Try it, for free ↗️

